Application Landscape Planning Speciality Insurance

How our client was enabled to initiate a sustainable transformation towards modernization, standardization and compliance by a structured planning of the target application landscape.

Core Landscape Renovation

How our client was enabled to successfully launch an initiative to renovate it's SAP based core landscape towards SAP S/4 HANA using an agile approach to architecture development.

EA Capability Setup IT Provider German Federal Administration

How setting up an Enterprise Architecture (EA) capability enabled an IT service provider of the German federal administration to approach IT landscape consolidation and manage service provision more effectively.

IT Target Picture and Roadmap Development

How our client was supported in developing an overall IT target picture and roadmap for the first time as part of the strategy renewal process and driven by increased regulatory requirements.

Introduction of a KPI-Based Complexity Management

How our client was enabled to measure, monitor and manage the complexity of it's IT landscape in order to improve the sustainability, efficiency and quality of IT service provision.

Post-Merger Insurance
Core Application

How our client succeeded in introducing an integrated core insurance solution and modernizing it's application landscape following a merger of two of it's subsidiaries.

Scaled Agile Architecture Governance Framework Development

How the transition of our client towards an agile organization was supported and safeguarded by means of a complementary governance framework for architectural decision making.

Your Landscape in Shape

Our Services

As a leading independent specialist in Enterprise Architecture (EA), we support our clients in implementing their strategy and successfully transforming their business and IT landscapes. Our services include establishing EA practices, taking on architecture engagements, and training Business, Enterprise, and IT Architects.

Establishing EA Practices

Building Your Core Capabilities

We put you in a position to develop target pictures, guidelines, and standards for advancing your business and IT landscape, and to guide pro­jects accordingly. Together, we imple­ment proven processes and tools.

Enterprise Architecture Office

Expanding Your Operating Range

We extend your architecture team and take over the architecture work in projects. Our experienced architects support you with critical tasks such as developing target pictures and managing complex transformations.

Coaching & Training

Developing the Necessary Skills

We coach architects and executives in critical situations. Additionally, we offer a comprehensive training program on all important topics in the areas of Business, Enterprise, and IT Architecture.

Our Clients

Numerous organizations have trusted us for years with important architecture matters. Our clients range from listed corporations to medium-sized businesses and federal government agencies. In total, our client base comprises over 65 organizations from sectors such as retail, media, banking, insurance, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, mechanical engineering, tourism, energy, and public administration.

What makes us different

As internationally recognized specialists in Business, Enterprise, and IT Architecture, we focus exclusively on architecture topics. We cover all architectural levels, from the business model to the IT landscape and down to individual domains and solutions. As long-term partners and trusted advisors, we always act in the best interest of our clients and independently of specific vendors and technologies.

True Architecture Specialists

We focus entirely on architecture topics and have proven expertise in this field.

From Business Model to Technology

We cover all architectural levels from business to technology, ensuring the necessary consistency.

Client-Centric Approach

We are committed to long-term partnerships and strictly focuse on the benefits and goals of our clients.

Vendor-Neutral and Independent

We are independent of vendors and service providers and act as trusted advisors to our clients.

Scape Academy

Well-qualified architects and a general understanding of architecture matters are crucial to the long-term success of any organization. Developing these systematically is the purpose of our Academy offering. As part of the Scape Academy, we provide a wide range of training and development formats – from foundation courses for beginners to advanced courses for experienced professionals and compact briefings for executives.


Basic Training for Aspiring Enterprise, Business and IT Architects


Specialized Training and Coaching for Enterprise, Business, and IT Architects

Executive Briefing

Compact Architecture Insights for Managers and Executives


Christina Endres

Scape Academy Results 2024

Now that the last training session has been completed, let us take a quick look back: 2024 was by far the most successful year in the history of our Academy. The number of training sessions delivered increased by 63% and the number of participants by 69%. This was due to the successful launch of our EA Essentials course, but also to a growing demand for Business Architecture classes, especially in-house. Thanks to all our participants, trainers and the hard working admin team for making this happen! You can look forward to an even better service in 2025.

#enterprisearchitecture #businessarchitecture #togaf #archimate #training

Christina Endres

Business Architecture Bootcamp in Brussels

We are very proud to deliver our last Business Architecture Bootcamp of the year in the European capital of Brussels. A very warm thank you to the complete @INFRABEL team for their support and great hospitality!

#bizarch #businessarchitecture #bizbok #training #brussels

Christina Endres

Visit Prof. Jürgen Jung

As the first guest in our new premises, we recently welcomed Jürgen Jung, Professor for Enterprise Architecture Management from Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences. Jürgen presented the research of his international research group on Architectural Debt. For our team, it was a great opportunity to learn and challenge the scientific perspective with their own project experiences. As always, we had a fruitful and lively discussion. Thanks to Jürgen for joining us!

#technicaldebt #eadebt #enterprisearchitecture #entarch

Christina Endres

Moving to the City

We are coming to the city! After 12 years at the riverside, we have now moved to Garden Tower in the middle of the bustling Frankfurt CBD. This distinctive location offers us a great wealth of opportunities for business and after-work activities alike. Beyond that, it provides us with much more flexible and scalable office spaces and a fantastic winter garden. A perfect match and a great foundation for the next stage of our development journey!

#enterprisearchitecture #entarch #businessarchitecture #career

Christina Endres

Financial Statement

Our annual financial statement for 2023 has just been released. A good opportunity to look back and also provide some outlook for 2024.

The year 2023 started somewhat turbulent, but from a financial perspective, it became the most successful in our history: revenues grew by 48% and the EBIT by 86% (compared to the even solid 2022 results).  This was mainly due to a continued growth of our consulting team, but also a very strong development of our academy business.

In 2024, we are making the necessary investments to ensure a sustainable development in the future. In particular, we are extending our service offering and expanding our marketing capabilities to drive further growth in the business transformation space.

Become part of our journey and apply now for one of our open positions!

Christina Endres

Scape Knowledge Café

With the Knowledge Café, we recently launched a new format for internal skill development and knowledge transfer. The Knowledge Café provides an open space where team members can discuss current topics and find answers to their questions outside the project context.

Yesterday, we covered AI and made an excursion to the nearby TechQuartier hosting the EDITH Innovation Day. We arrived just in time for a great keynote given by @Prof. Peter Buxmann on "Generative Artificial Intelligence - Breakthroughs | Applications | Profitability". His presentation and the following discussions provided us with a lot of new insights and inspiration for our own AI journey. Thanks to Peter and the EDITH / TechQuartier team for making this happen.

#ai #enterprisearchitecture #entarch #employeedevelopment

Christina Endres

EA Community Rhine-Main

During the Rhine-Main region's EA Community gathering, our Architect @MathiasGude shared valuable insights on #businessarchitecture value streams and their practical application in issue and impact analysis for businesses. In addition to explaining what a value stream is and how to apply it, Mathias also addressed questions from the audience regarding topics such as the difference between value streams, processes, and value chains, as well as how to define value streams without access to reference models.

Christina Endres

Sponsoring MOMEM

We are excited to announce that Scape is now an official sponsor of #MOMEM - Museum of Modern Electronic Music. This sponsorship goes hand in hand with our aspiration to support the local cultural scene in #Frankfurt. We are looking forward to the upcoming exhibition "MILESTONES – Favorite Club Tracks 1985–2020" opening on 3rd February 2023.

What is MOMEM?
"MOMEM is about Electronic Music - MOMEM focus on modern electronic music that has shaped our cultural history and still keeps on doing so. MOMEM will be a place to explore, conserve and experience the historical dimensions and influences of electronic music. We will take you on a journey from the beginning to the future. A place of continuous movement and transformation, turning from a museum into a stage into a bar into an academy and back again. A vital environment in the heart of Frankfurt and a museum that encourages everybody to participate and interact."

#innovation #culture #electronicmusic

Christina Endres

Publication APM

Our colleague Dr. Lutz Kirchner has recently published a book chapter on Application Portfolio Management as lead author.

#applicationportfolio #enterprisearchitecture #entarch #bizarch #businessarchitecture #ITarchitecture

Christina Endres


We kicked off day 1 of the EA conference EAMKON with a speech by ITZBund's Arne Daniel Mutschler and our colleague Arash Mostashari. They spoke about how the #enterprisearchitecture unit of ITZBund transformed their organisational structure in the past year to address emerging strategic challenges.

#publicadministration #Scape #businessarchitecture #ITarchitecture #entarch #bizarch #transformation #organisationsentwicklung #strategie